Total Group through its two affiliates Total EP and Total Uganda Limited have Friday donated food, medical items and support worth $70,000 (approx. Shs263m) to aid in the fight against the Corona Virus (COVID-19) in Uganda.
The donation comprising $50,000 (approx. Shs188m) will be directed towards implementation of recommended activities aimed at containing the pandemic at national level.
Implementation of these activities will be managed on behalf of Total in Uganda by the Uganda Red Cross Society, in consultation with the COVID-19 National Task Force.
Another $20,000 (Approx. Shs75m) will go towards boosting preparedness and monitoring activities in Buliisa and Nwoya districts. These activities will include community awareness on the pandemic and prevention, as well as purchase of medical kits.
Of the $20,000, each district’s activities will be allocated USD 10,000. Execution of the activities will also be managed by the Uganda Red Cross Society on behalf of Total, in consultation with the districts COVID-19 task forces.
We commended eorts made by the Government of Uganda in ensuring that the health sector is adequately facilitated to manage the crisis and curb the COVID-19 pandemic.
We also recognize the tremendous work done by the Ministry of Health, working alongside all key players in Government and the private sector to ensure that the Corona Virus spread is contained and that its impact on the lives of Ugandans is also minimized. We will continue to stand with the Government and people of Uganda in this fight against COVID-19.
The donation supplements a recent contribution by Total Uganda Ltd of fuel worth 40 Million Uganda Shillings and 5,000 litres of sanitizer through the COVID-19 National Task Force, to assist Ministry of Health in the deployment of the various teams nationwide.